Astander participates in the programme “Exporta más Cantabria. Nuevos mercados internacionales” promoted by Sodercan (La Sociedad para el Desarrollo de Cantabria), attached to the Consejería de Industria, Empleo, Innovación y Comercio del Gobierno de Cantabria)

SODERCAN’s “Exporta Más Cantabria” programme aims to strengthen the region’s business fabric by helping to overcome disadvantages and support companies in the development of their international trade promotion strategies, thus contributing to the recovery and expansion of their portfolio of clients and supplier companies, and therefore to the revitalisation of business activity in Cantabria.
The call contemplates the development of the commercialisation project, supporting actions related to the presence in international fairs, market studies, international trips, etc.
In accordance with the provisions of Article 8.1 of Order IND/22/2022, of 12 April, on 29/02/2024, a decision was taken to grant the aid established in the Order and Call for Proposals: “EXPORTA MÁS CANTABRIA. ABRIENDO NUEVOS MERCADOS INTERNACIONALES” in the amount of 15,888.63 €.